Group Training Classes
Beginner Obedience Class
$175 - 5 classes
1 class/week
2 Hours (each class)
* Discount for current LoveBug clients
* Pay in full or pay weekly
Currently accepting new pups who want to learn new skills!
Submit your information below to start your pup-perfection journey.
Your dog will learn heel, release, sit, stay, wait, down, right, left, & stand.
You will increase the bond with your dog.
Classes are held at my home in Hawaiian Paradise Park
Classes will start in February
Weekday & Weekend Options
Training your dog means a lifetime of happiness ...
Using positive reinforcement techniques, you will learn how to positively and gently establish a loving relationship with your dog
Your dog will learn basic commands and good manners.
You’ll learn new games and exercises you can do with your dog for years to come.
Includes homework + documents you can reference at your own pace.
Your dog will learn heel, release, sit, stay, wait, down, right, left, & stand
This class is great for socialization and anxiety. This material can be utilized for new pups (as long as they are 6mo or older) or as refresher course for a dog that hasn’t been working on training for some time.
A well-trained dog means a lifetime of happiness for you and anyone that interacts with your dog.
You will be able to communicate with your dog in an effective and timely manner for years to come!
If your dog has expressed aggressive behavior, we will need to discuss your case on an individual basis. I won’t put other dogs in danger who are in the class.